Daedalochila sp. aff. bicornuta (Pilsbry, 1900) Two-horn Liptooth Variant B Egg Clutch

Daedalochila sp. aff. bicornuta (Pilsbry, 1900) Two-horn Liptooth Variant B Egg Clutch

    These egg clutches were found under vegetation in rich black soil along an east to west flowing creek just south the intersection of County Road 326 (Gulf Hammock) and US-19 in Levy County, Florida on 12/14/2011. Six live adult specimens were found within inches of the eggs. The eggs are very similar in appearance to those of Daedalochila auriculata (a similarly sized species) but looked to be somewhat smaller in diameter. See: Daedalochila auriculata Eggs And Apparent Parent
