Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) Largest Specimen Of 2005

    The measurement of hundreds of Pomacea canaliculata collected without bias during 2005 indicates that the average size of Duval County specimens is about 60 mm. While 70 mm. specimens were occasionally found, specimens measuring larger than 80 mm. were rare and were only collected dead on the bank of the lake/retention pond. The 90.8 mm. specimen illustrated below was found in such a manner on 12/24/2005 and is the largest Duval County specimen found to date. The previous record holder measured 84.5 mm. and was collected in a like manner. The other eight specimens found on 12/24/2005 ranged in size from 63.9 to 84 mm. with three of the eight measuring 70 mm. or greater. From the appearance of the largest specimens it is likely that the snails were still growing at the time of their demise, thus even larger specimens may ultimately be discovered.

Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) Largest Specimen Of 2005