Predation On Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821)

    The two pictured Euglandina, victims of an apparent mammal predator, were found in the roadside swale along US-1 about 3.2 miles northwest of International Golf Parkway, St. Johns County, Florida on 2/12/2020. The images illustrate the most common type of damage seen which results in a fatal outcome. In specimen one the predator crushed the entire shell to access the snail while in specimen two the predator peeled back the shell starting at the aperture. In the case of shell peeling some animal remains are usually present. In both instances the shell fragments were neatly piled at the location where they were found. Both specimens are believed to have met their fate within 48 hours of of when the remains were found.

Specimen One
Predation On Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821)
Specimen Two
Predation On Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821)