Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821) Feeding On Other Euglandina

    The two specimens illustrated below left are part of a trio, ranging in size from 20-42 mm., collected near the Outback Crab Shack on County Road 13 in far western St. Johns County, Florida on 3/15/2009. After collection, the group was placed in a makeshift terrarium, and the rose colored specimen, bottom left in the first image below, immediately attacked and devoured the smaller 20 mm. juvenile (not pictured). Although reported by others, that is the first time that this reporter has observed cannibalism practiced by this species. The two remaining living specimens were subsequently closely monitored for additional cannibalistic behavior but none was exhibited. Instead, the two took advantage of their close confinement to mate for an extended period of time.

Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821)
Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821)

    Euglandina from the vicinity of the Outback Crab Shack usually prey on considerably smaller snails. Four medium sized Euglandina collected from this locality during September, 2008 were subsequently dissected by Dr. Harry Lee and found to contain the remains of the following species:

1 Gastrocopta pellucida (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) Slim Snaggletooth
1 Vertigo oralis Sterki, 1898 Palmetto Vertigo
1 Strobilops texasianus Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1906 Southern Pinecone
1 Opeas pyrgula Schmaker and Boettger, 1891 Sharp Awlsnail
5 Polygyra septemvolva Say, 1818 Florida Flatcoil

   Three additional Euglandina were collected at the same locality during October, 2008 and also dissected. In that instance the remains of one Polygyra septemvolva and one Daedalochila avara (Say, 1818) Florida Liptooth were found. For more ex cochlea shells see: Shells Are Where You Find Them