Euglandina rosea (Férussac, 1821) Rosy Wolfsnail

     Partially buried in muddy area adjacent to the roadside swale along US-1 about 3.3 miles northwest of International Golf Parkway (IGP), St. Johns County, Florida on 4/9/2020. At this location, which extends from about 3-1-3.4 miles northwest of IGP and affectionately known at "The Giant Euglandina Site," it has long been suspected that at least some of the specimens buried themselves in the substrate for whatever reason. A percentage of the specimens found exhibited signs of burial (coated with dried mud) as well their ability to seemingly disappear from the area over a 24 hour period only to be found again at the same location a day later predicated that suspicion. Despite years of searching, the specimen pictured above is the first to be found actually buried.